Club Rules are for the safety and enjoyment of all our members and visitors to the club.
Please adhere. to them and help enforce them.

1. Safety

a. Starting or arming of engines is only allowed in the starting areas. No starting of engines is allowed in the clubhouse on the concrete tables or in the aircraft parking area.
b. All pilots, including helicopter pilots, must stand close to each other to allow safe and easy communication amongst pilots. Standing areas and flight areas are illustrated on the adjacent map.
c. STRICTLY no flying over the club house, spectators, parking area or pit areas.
d. Helicopters may fly with fixed wing aircraft provided the circuit rules are adhered to and helicopter pilots stand in the same group as the fixed wing pilots.
e. All pilots must give way to any full-size aircraft flying through our airspace. When a full-sized aircraft approaches immediately bring your model down to below a 50m altitude and remain at this altitude until the full-sized aircraft has passed.
f. Spectators and unattended children who are not pilots are not allowed in the starting areas or on the runways.
g. Non-solo pilots may only fly under the supervision of an instructor.
h. No flying is allowed if any alcohol has been consumed.

2. Peg board

a. NERF applies a peg-on-board system. This is a requirement for frequency control and safety. Only fly if your peg/tag is on the board. This also allows other members to identify you.
a. 2.4 GHz:
I. Maximum pegs on the board: 16
b. 35 MHz:
I. You may only switch on your transmitter if your frequency is clear.
II. Check the peg board to ensure that your frequency is clear
III. Check with pilots on your frequency before switching on your transmitter.
IV. If your frequency is clear, place your peg on the board before switching on your transmitter.
V. After flying, switch off your transmitter and remove your peg from the board.
c. New and replacement pegs are available from


a. All pilots must be current SAMAA members.
b. All pilots must abide by all SAMAA rules (

4. Landing and take-off

b. Landing aircraft have priority over aircraft taking off. Dead stick landings have absolute priority.
c. Pilots must clearly call out dead stick situations intentions to land, take off or touch-and-go.
d. Pilots must vacate the runway and move to the pilot area immediately after take-off.
e. Pilots may not start, restart or prime their aircraft on the runway.

5. Circuit

a. Applies to all aircraft (helicopter and fixed wing aircraft).
b. Maximum number of aircraft up at any time is four (4).
c. Maximum flight time in the air is 10 minutes.
d. If there is more than one aircraft on a flight-line, all aircraft must fly on the same circuit in the same direction.
e. Circuit and take-off direction to be decided by the first pilot in the air. Changes in circuit direction due to wind or sun to be communicated to all pilots and must be adhered to by all pilots.
f. Pilots wanting to fly in lines that do not conform to a standard circuit (e.g. aerobatic or helicopter) must fly one at a time in an area of the sky that has no other aircraft in it.

6. Neighbours and Club Condition

a. Aircraft with petrol motors may only be flown on the East Flight Line (on the highway side of the main runway).
b. Please keep the area tidy and free of litter and take all rubbish that you create back home with you.
c. Please keep the toilets in a condition you would like to find them in.

7. Visitors

a. Spectators are welcome. Please stay off the runway and away from the aircraft starting areas.
b. For visiting pilots, see VISITORS RULES.

8. Flying School

a. The Flying School operates every Saturday morning from sunrise until 10:00 am. During this time, members are allowed to fly, but only one member aircraft is allowed in the sky at any time and the circuit rules must be abided by.
b. Please be courteous and thoughtful towards our student pilots.

9. Club Membership

a. Club membership is annually renewable each January.
b. Apply to the club secretary at or on our web site at

Committee Members

Name e-Mail 
Dean Grobbelaar
Richard Wiedemann
Walter Lin
Andre Wentzel
Chris O’Connell
Kobus Grobler

The Club Secretary

09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Friday